
Benefits of a morning routine in sobriety

Getting sober is one thing, but staying sober is another part of this journey that has brough so many challenges and outcomes I never thought possible. One constant I established early on was a morning routine. Now, I NEVER thought I would be this person. Mornings, in my book were strictly for sleep. I didn’t see the point of adding another thing to my list, (especially when I was fighting a hangover). Little did I know that adding more to my day would make all of the difference.

For me, my routine helps to start my day with structure and consistency, and it gives me some of the ‘me time’ that I need to get myself in a good place to take on the day. Implementing this structure to start my day has drastically improved my physical health, mental health and emotional well-being. It gives me a purpose in the morning, makes me feel like I have accomplished something before I walk out the door. Mine is not complicated. It doesn’t have to be. But it has to be something that you will actually do and learn to look forward to.

Here is what I’ve gained from my morning routine

1. Establishes Structure and Stability

One of the biggest challenges I faced in early sobriety was dealing with the chaos and lack of structure that often accompanied my drinking. A morning routine introduced a sense of order and predictability. Knowing what to expect every morning reduced anxiety and helped to ground you, making it easier to handle the uncertainties that the rest of the day might bring. I learned that I thrived in structure and routine and now know that I get antsy when things are unpredictable.

2. Promotes Mental and Emotional Well-being

Starting the day with positive activities can significantly boost your mental and emotional health. Practices such as meditation, journaling, or simply taking a moment to reflect can help clear your mind and set a positive tone for the day. These activities allow you to process emotions, reduce stress, and maintain a more balanced state of mind, which is crucial in preventing relapse.

3. Physical Health and Well-being

Incorporating exercise into your morning routine can have profound benefits. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. It also reduces stress, improves sleep, and boosts overall physical health. Whether it’s a morning walk, yoga, or a full workout session, regular physical activity can play a pivotal role in maintaining sobriety by keeping your body and mind in sync.

4. Creates Positive Habits

Sobriety is not just about not drinking; it’s about creating a new, healthier lifestyle. A morning routine helps in forming positive habits that can replace the old, harmful ones. Consistently engaging in productive activities each morning can gradually rewire your brain, making it easier to adopt and maintain other healthy behaviors throughout the day.

5. Enhances Self-discipline and Accountability

Maintaining a morning routine requires self-discipline, which is an essential skill in sobriety. Sticking to a routine reinforces a sense of accountability to yourself. It reminds you that you have control over your actions and choices, fostering a sense of self-efficacy and confidence. This self-discipline can spill over into other areas of your life, helping you make better decisions and stay committed to your sobriety.

6. Fosters a Sense of Achievement

Completing your morning routine gives you a sense of accomplishment right at the start of the day. This positive reinforcement can be incredibly motivating, encouraging you to continue making healthy choices throughout the day. Celebrating these small victories can help build the resilience needed to tackle the bigger challenges of sobriety.

7. Setting Intentions and Goals

A morning routine is an ideal time to set intentions and goals for the day. This practice helps you focus on what you want to achieve and keeps you aligned with your long-term sobriety goals. By setting clear intentions, you are more likely to stay mindful of your actions and make choices that support your recovery journey.

Where to start

I had heard about so many of the benefits of these morning routines, but what held me back for so long is that I had no idea where to start. I thought I had to come up with this elaborate process that took up hours, and that part scared me away for a long time. It doesn’t need to be complicated. You will not do it if it is complicated. Jump in and just do the damn things.

Here are a few areas you might want to start with – you don’t need to implement all of them, just pick a few that you could seamlessly fit into your morning.

  • Wake Up Early: Give yourself enough time to start the day without rushing.
  • Hydrate: Begin your day with a glass of water to kickstart your metabolism. Even better, add some electrolytes. Here are my favorite: LMNT and Ultima.
  • Mindfulness Practice: Spend a few minutes meditating, practicing deep breathing, or doing some light stretching. Here are some great meditation cards for beginners – HERE
  • Journaling: Reflect on your thoughts and feelings, set daily intentions, and jot down any gratitude. This is an AMAZING journal for sobriety – HERE
  • Exercise: Engage in some form of physical activity, whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or a workout session. My favorite FREE YouTube workout are at: Nourishmovelove.com
  • Healthy Breakfast: Nourish your body with a nutritious meal to fuel your day.
  • Plan Your Day: Outline your tasks and goals to stay organized and focused. I LOVE a good planner – Here is one from the brand I use – HERE

Get Going!

A morning routine is more than just a set of tasks to complete; it’s a powerful strategy for maintaining sobriety. By providing structure, promoting well-being, fostering positive habits, and enhancing self-discipline, a morning routine can be a cornerstone of a successful recovery journey. It changed my mornings. I’ve learned to embrace the morning, and you’ll find yourself better equipped to navigate the challenges and celebrate the triumphs of sobriety.

One response to “Benefits of a morning routine in sobriety”

  1. […] personal growth. For me, it has worked best to implement this into my morning routine – (Read more about the benefits of a morning routine here), The most important thing is to just get started and see where it […]

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